Also, thank you for the reading tip. My Kindle isn’t full—yet.

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Locke is good, light reading. Her portrait of the mother, Dora, is memorable.

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Well said, my friend. I’ve been a wheelie for four years now, and the foray into SF for my mate’s medical care told me one thing. I’ve neglected my upper arm strength. No stamina to navigate a long hallway. I hope you find the right equipment to set you free to explore.

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If I only had arms, sang the person who keeps popping bones in extremities. One of the first things I thought was, there goes my light weights routine for a year or more. I’m not sure I have the patience for this next part of the journey, but it beats the alternative, I guess? Love you, friend.

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Sep 14Liked by Glenda

Your bravery, resilience, humor, and words of wisdom never cease to amaze me, Glenda. Only you can turn such a harrowing experience into a lovely and poignant writing and learning opportunity. I so admire you and continue to hold you in my heart. Thank you for being you.

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My grandmother used to say, Life either conquers you or you conquer it. Mine has been a battle for seventy years or more now. I hope I’ve learned to roll with the biggest waves. Love to you.

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